Dimlit Released!

This is the official 7DRL release!  I am going to continue to work on this game because I enjoy the concept and theme so much, and there are still so many different directions this can go. I'm excited to hear any critique and suggestions.

Here are a list of the features that made it in:

  • Infinite map
  • Three difficulty levels. I suggest easy.
  • Several different events darkness can throw at you. Some of the events scale with turns passed, some don't need scaling.
  • Several wildly different grue AIs.
  • 30+ structures, including 2 you can't build but still exists on the map.
  • 5+ structure tiers, each with their own unique structures.
  • Sound (only on Mac, unfortunately).

 It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to playing everyone's games!

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