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very good


An absolute blast. So much fun and anxiety!

I was looking forward to your entry and I was not disappointed.


Fantastic in every way.

I have to specifically mention that I love the way the visibility works, and the artifact variety.

This is a tough game but the colors and tileset just make me want to stay in this world and keep trying.

(1 edit) (+1)

This is great! Beautiful and fun.


Came back to this one. Probably my favorite so far. Really well done here.


So beautiful! Very good work on map generation. I first though I HAD to find all gold. But no. It is actually hard to just reach the exit ^^. I’m not quite sure how to cross that lava river. I need to bring those red things one by one?


Making any game in a week is impressive, but this is even better.

I was sold on this game the first time I slipped on some mud. Juking a Dragonling by going around a lava pool then realizing my folly was another highlight. No wonder my Rogue has anxiety!


very good